Being aninal lovers, we want to adopt all of orphan dogs we see during our travels.  They are very cute!!!  Too bad we can't take them home because we do not have room at our house and they cannot go on the airplane.   
Here is a picture of our first dog we like.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!  Can you help by suggesting a name for this dog?????  We will use the best name of all the suggestions we receive.
Thank you for helping us help these dogs.  You are our fellow dog rescuers.
The time I was in Thailand, I went to an elephant camp.  In the beginning I watched a couple of elephant shows.  They were soccer, painting, and basketball. The elephants marched by putting the tails in the trunks of the elephants in front of them.  They were walking in circles.  The elephant also painted well.  One big elephant painted a picture that had some flowers, trees in the forest, some birds and a lot of grass.

When they played soccer, they were so cute!!  They were very fast runners.  A lot of the same elephants scored and they were so happy!! 

When they played basketball, they were so cute too!! They used their trunks to put the ball into the net.

When Mom and Dad and I were riding the elephant in the woods, the elephant wanted bananas and was very funny because when they saw a stand that sells bananas they would want some. They would not walk unless you bought bananas. 

When we took a picture with them after, they would want money.  One elephant held me and Mom with his trunk until we put money in his trunk.  Or they would follow you.  And they like dollars.
        One day my dad and  I went to Lady Street and  we bought a shrimp.  We asked the lady: "Does this shrimp eat fish, because if it does we can put it in a different tank?" 
      The lady said:" no, and you can put it with the  fish."  So we bought the shrimp and when we got back to the house we put the shrimp into the fishtank. 
      After one day and one night in the morning I saw the shrimp was  eating a fish.  It was very gross.  I let the shrimp stayed in the fishtank because Dad said it would not eat big fish and it would only eat small fish.  But the number of fish kept decreasing.  One day mom saw the shrimp chasing after the other fish.  One fish was hiding behind the filter.  All the fish were scared.   So we put the shrimp into a different fishtank, but the shrimp would not eat anything else. 
      One day in the morning there was a fish that died and we gave the dead fish to the shrimp.  The shrimp ate part of it.  Later the shrimp died.
     We learned 3 lessons:
  Lesson 1. Do not trust the lady who sells pet fish.
  Lesson 2. Do not put the shrimp with the fish.
  Lesson 3. Do not feed the shrimp with a dead fish.
I have a bunny named "Easter."  I got Easter this year on January 2nd.  Before I had a bunny named Easter too, but she died.  When I first got her, she would not eat anything.  After two weeks, one morning, she was alive, but all of a sudden she died because her heart stopped working.  I cried all the way to school that morning.  

Now I have a bunny named Easter, but he is a boy.  Before it was a girl.  I got a boy because girl bunnies die easily.

The boy rabbit likes to hop around in his cage a lot.  He likes to eat and drink a lot.  

One morning me and my mommy were walking and we took Easter out for a walk.  I let him off his leash because he did not like his leash.  Easter went into the bushes and a cat saw him.  The cat chased Easter around.  I was panicking.  My mom got inbetween Easter and the cat and I tried to get Easter.  Easter was so scared he just kept running.

There was this lady who had a dog and she let the dog off the leash.  The dog spotted Easter and the cat and started chasing Easter.  Easter was panicking.  He made this weird noise.  I had never heard him making that weird noise.  The noise was very sharp.  I tried to catch Easter.  My mom yelled at the lady to stop her dog.  The dog almost got Easter, but the lady stopped the dog.  I finally caught Easter.  Easter was shivering.  It was very scary.